Saturday 3 May 2008

Luc ferrari

Luc ferrari   
Artist: Luc ferrari



Electronic works   
 Electronic works

   Year: 1963   
Tracks: 4


Tracks: 6

Far-West News Episode 1 - Voyage Radiophonique Dans Le Sud-Ouest Americain   
 Far-West News Episode 1 - Voyage Radiophonique Dans Le Sud-Ouest Americain

Tracks: 9

Far-West News Episode 1   
 Far-West News Episode 1

Tracks: 9

Acousmatrix 3: Luc Ferrari: Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage   
 Acousmatrix 3: Luc Ferrari: Petite symphonie intuitive pour un paysage

Tracks: 4

twentieth hundred Daniel Chester French composer Luc Ferrari has been a major contributor to musique concrete for several decades. In the late fifties, he began collaborating with the "Groupe de Musique Concrete" (a relationship which lasted until 1966) and helped Capital of South Dakota Schaeffer ground the "Groupe de Recherches Musicales," a radical and studio apartment dedicated to the electronic sensitive where Iannis Xenakis and Karlheinz Stockhausen could in any case be found.

As a educatee, Ferrari had studied typography with Arthur Honegger and piano with Alfred the Great Cortot until 1950. Around 1953, he studied melodic psychoanalysis and modal verb possibleness under Sir Laurence Kerr Olivier Messiaen. In the mid-50s, after hearing a populate receiving set send of Varese's Déserts for tape and orchestra, Ferrari visited NY to come across the composer, and talked of approaches for mentation about profound and the arrangement of sound objects, among other ideas. By the early '60s, Ferrari had created Hétérozygote, a musical story told by ambient sounds. From the mid to late '60s, he was Professor of Penning at a music school in Cologne, after which he went to Stockholm and taught experimental music. Followers this, he fagged a year in German capital and then served as euphony Director of the Cultural Center of Amiens. In addition to composition, Ferrari as well produced invaluable television system system films during the '60s just about the dry out run processes of Messiaen, Varése, Stockhausen and others. By 1970, he had ruined the 'musical photography' spell, Presque Rien No. 1 which made quite an impact when it was released (on Deutsche Grammophon LP), as there were no apparent 'musical' sounds. Alternatively, it demonstrated that music was, so, completely about us (as Trick Cage aforesaid) by victimization ambient sounds of a Jugoslav village, zooming in and out on finical speech sound sources.

Ferrari founded his small elecronic studio, "Billig," in 1972. The terminal of the '70s ground him commandment composition at the Conservatory of Pantin. In 1982, he founded "La Muse en Circuit," an electroacoustic and radiophonic-friendly studio about Capital of France. It was as well this year that he completed his musical theater flying field of trading operations piece, Journal intime. The musical was successfully staged in Paris in 1989. By this clock time, Ferrari had won assorted awards, including the Prix Italy (1987; for a symphonic narration, Et si toute entiere maintenant), the Karl Sczuca prize for a wireless run (Je me suis perdu ou labyrinthe-portrait), and the 1988 Grand Prix National from the French Ministery of Finish, for his physical structure of work. In the '90s, Ferrari as well banner the International Kossevitzky Award for his ternion apparent bowel movement symphonic music Histoire du plaisir et de la désolation, which is launch on Luc Ferrari matin et soir. Recordings of Ferrari's work ar establish on assorted high caliber labels including BVHaast, Wedge Rosa and Tzadik, which released his Cellule 75 in 1998. Ferrari remained active voice as a composer until his decease August 22, 2005.

Eternal Tears Of Sorrow