Monday 19 May 2008

The OC's Barton faces four charges

The OC's Barton faces four charges

'The OC' star Mischa Barton is facing four-spot misdemeanor charges followers her drink-driving stop last year.
The Associated Press reports that, according to court papers, Barton was charged with driving below the influence of alcoholic drink or drugs, driving patch having a 0.08% or higher blood alcohol level, driving without a valid licence and possession of 28.5g or less of marihuana.
Barton's attorney Mark Antony V Salerno said he was pleased his client was only charged with misdemeanours.
He said: "The DA's office is to be commended for treating this slip the lapp as it would any other thing; Ms. Barton has received no special discussion."
Barton was arrested in West Hollywood on 27 Dec after officers saw her car in deuce lanes of traffic and weakness to argue for a turn.
The actress is due to be arraigned on Th in the Beverly Hills Superior Royal court.
